114 research outputs found

    Influence on local government performance : budget participatory, budget control and organizational structure working procedures of dysfunctional behavior

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper was to investigate the influence of budgetary participation, reliance on accounting performance measures, standard operating procedure of local government toward dysfunctional behavior, examines dysfunctional behavior to local government performance. Design/methodology/approach - The research method used was the population of local government in Bandar Lampung. Sampling technique was using nonprobability, with purposive sampling method. Tool using regression analysis using F test and t test with AMOS ver.22.00. The paper ends with a set of hypotheses requiring further research. Findings - The paper finds that budgetary participation and standard operating procedure simultaneously effect on dysfunctional behavior of local government in Bandar Lampung. Reliance on accounting performance measures partially negative significant effect on dysfunctional behavior of local government in Bandar Lampung. Variable dysfunctional behavior has a positive effect on local government performance in Bandar Lampung. Originality/value - This paper provides influence of influence of budgetary participation, reliance on accounting performance measures, standard operating procedure of local government toward dysfunctional behavior, examines dysfunctional behavior to local government performance in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.peer-reviewe

    Cucupatian Banjar: Analisis Struktur, Fungsi, dan Nilai Budaya

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    Results of an early observation shows that cucupatian (riddles), one of the pillars of the Banjar cultures that has been ignored by Banjar communities and in the brink of extinction. In order to prove this issue and observation, the research using qualitiative approach where the researcher functions as a human instrument. The research uses the theory of transfomation generative-grammar, theory of folklore (especially theory pertains to the structure of folklore, functions as well as cultural values), and theory of pragmatics. The main location of the study is Kota Banjarmasin, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, and Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah. Data collection carried out using a participant-observation method and in-depth interviews. Search informant commences with four Banjarian culturalists. From two informants, information about other informants who liked to cucupatian was gathered. Snowball technique was laid off after getting the tenth informant as information gathered for this research has been enough and did not get any new additional information. To avoid qualms on the data that have been accumulated, the researcher conducted the validity of the data by using triangulation. Analysis of the data was carried out with the way proposed by Miles and Huberman(1992), begin with data reduction and extended with data presentation and conclusion retrieval. Based on the analysis of data, this research has produced the following: (1) Banjar's cucupatian Banjar is divided into tatangguhan dan mahalabiu. (2) Tatangguhan is rooted in old community/traditional while mahalabiu is rooted in the current modern society. (3) Tatangguhan is rarely found, can be said to be in the brink of extinction.Today's era is the era of mahalabiu, a variation of tatangguhan which stresses on joke aspect with the use of words, phrases, or sentences which are ambiguous. (4) There are five functions of tatangguhan, that is knowledge system, mediation system, participation system, communication system, and practice system. From these functions, knowledge and mediation system are more dominant in tatangguhan. (6) Cultural values of tatangguhan revolve around social values, ethics, philosophies, religions, and aesthetics whereas the values of mahalabiu besides being sosial values (especially social critics) is also having religious values. (7) The structure of tatangguhan inclines not to follow the inner structure method of Banjar language and it has surface structure (transformation of sentences) that has 11 forms of transfromation of sentences; FN+FPrep; FN+FAdj; FN+FNum; FNum+FAdj; FV+Fadj; FAdj+FV; FV+FPrep;FAdj+FAdj; FV+FN; FPrep+FPrep; FAdj+FAdj. (8) Structure of mahalabiu inclines to follow the sentence's inner structure of Banjar language. Occasionally, to explain sentence information, mahalabiu is made to be a discourse. Cucupatian contains many cultural teachings. Hence, it is suggested that every societal member, in particular the local government and scholars need to strive in order to save cucupatian from extinction

    Similarities in Textual Contents between Burung Simbangan Poetry and Siti Zubaidah Poetry

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    One of the scripts stored in the Lambung Mangkurat Museum, Kalimantan Selatan Province, is Burung Simbangan Poetry. The interesting part is that this script has several similarities to Siti Zubaidah Poetry. This research is a philological study, of which the research aims to reveal the existence of a script amidst the owner’s ethnicity. The method applied to understand these scripts is a qualitative method using a content analysis technique. The data source comprises both of scripts documents. The findings of this study include several similarities in the narrative between Burung Simbangan Poetry and Siti Zubaidah Poetry. These similarities are the stories about (i) a protagonist who has multiple wives; (ii) a first wife (the oldest), who assists her husband in a war until victory; (iii) a first wife (the oldest), who disguises herself as a man; (iv) a protagonist who is imprisoned in a poisonous well; (v) a protagonist who is hit by a chained arrow; (vi) the oldest wife, who assists her husband in reclaiming a young wife kidnapped by an enemy; and (vii) a protagonist assisted by four loyal patih, or commanders

    Undang-undang Sultan Adam (analisis makna dengan pendekatan hermeneutik).

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    Undang-Undang Sultan Adam (UUSA) adalah undang-undang yang dibuat pada zaman Sultan Adam, seorang sultan yang memerintah Kerajaan Banjar tahun 1825—1857. Seperti halnya teks sastera lama, teks UUSA memiliki makna yang khas yang sebahagian besar hanya berlaku pada zaman Kerajaan Banjar. UUSA ditulis pada hari Kamis,15 Muharam 1251, pukul sembilan. Penelitian ini berupaya mendeskripsikan tentang hal apa saja yang melatarbelakangi kelahiran UUSA dan makna apa saja yang terkandung dalam UUSA. Untuk mengetahui latar belakang dan makna yang terkandung dalam UUSA digunakan pendekatan hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. Pertama, kelahiran UUSA dilatarbelakangi oleh pertikaian dua mazhab, yakni mazhab ahlusunah waljamaah dan ahlal albidaah. Mazhab ahlusunah waljamaah mengaku mengamalkan tarikat samaniyah sedangkan mazhab ahlal albidaah dituduh mengamalkan tarikat wahdatul wujud. Kedua, makna keseluruhan teks UUSA adalah: (1) UUSA menggambarkan bahawa Kerajaan Banjar adalah sebuah kerajaan teokrasi, (2) sebagai kerajaan teokrasi maka ulama dan atau organisasi keagamaan sangat berperan dalam menyelenggarakan pemerintahan, (3) organisasi keagamaan yang sah menurut UUSA adalah mazhab Safii yang beraliran Ahlusunah waljamaah beserta amalan tarikat samaniyah, (4) UUSA disusun berdasarkan pikiran seorang ulama Kerajaan Banjar yang bernama Haji Djamaloedin (5) UUSA bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan agama dan iktikad, pegangan para hakim memutuskan perkara, dan sebagai counter (upaya perlawanan) terhadap organisasi keagamaan lain yang tumbuh pada masa itu

    Interface Friction of Smooth Geomembranes and Ottawa Sand

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    Geomembranes commonly used in civil engineering constructions are mostly in contact with soils. Some constructions failed due to slippage between geomembrane sheets and interfacing soils. This paper aims at presenting the interface strength of various geomembranes and Ottawa sand resulting from tests with the ring shear device. The interface strength is generally governed by the stiffness, the texture of geomembranes and the imposed stress level. It was found that residual friction angles, dresidual, for the interfaces varied from 10.5° to 28.1° or 0.34 to 0.97 in efficiency ratio. The lower value is for a smooth HDPE, the higher value is mobilised by a soft PVC at higher stresses

    Unsur Pralogis Dalam Syair Burung Simbangan (the Pralogical Elements in Burung Simbangan Poem)

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    Unsur Pralogis dalam Syair Burung Simbangan. Unsur pralogis adalah unsur yang selalu ada dalamsastra klasik. Unsur pralogis adalah hal-hal yang dianggap logis oleh pemilik cerita namun tidakdianggap logis oleh orang lain yang bukan pemilik cerita. Unsur pralogis berkaitan erat dengan sistemkepercayaan masyarakat. Unsur-unsur pralogis dalam syair burung simbangan terdapat pada diri tokohcerita dan pada latar cerita. Di antara unsur pralogis pada tokoh cerita adalah (i) dapat terbang, (ii)memiliki benda ajaib seperti panah, dan lain-lain (iii) mengubah diri menjadi rama-rama, dan lainlain.Unsur pralogis pada latar adalah tentang kemampuan berinteraksi di bumi, di udara, di dalambumi, dan di dalam air.Kata

    Cucupatian (Teka-teki) Banjar: Analisis Struktur, Fungsi, Dan Nilai Budaya

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    Results of an early observation show that cucupatian (riddles), one of the pillars of the Banjar culture has been ignored by the Banjar communities and is now in the brink of extinction. To confirm the findings, the research uses the qualitative approach where the researcher functions as a human instrument. The research uses the theory of transformation generative-grammar, a theory of folklore (a theory that pertains to the structure of folklore, and functions as well as cultural values), and a theory of pragmatics. The main location of the study is Kota Banjarmasin, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, and Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah. The data collection was carried out by using a participant-observation method and in-depth interviews. The research commenced with four Banjarian culturalists. From two informants, information about other informants who knew cucupatian was gathered. To avoid qualms on the data that have been accumulated, the researcher tested the validity of the data by using triangulation. The analysis of the data was carried out with the methodology proposed by Miles and Huberman (1992) which begins with data reduction and continued with data presentation and the conclusion. Based on the analysis of data, this research has produced the followings: (1) Banjar's cucupatian is divided into tatangguhan dan mahalabiu. (2) Tatangguhan is rooted in the traditional community while mahalabiu is rooted in the current modern society. (3) Tatangguhan is rarely found, and it can be said that it is in the brink of extinction. Today's era is the era of mahalabiu, a variation of tatangguhan which stresses on the joke aspects by using words, phrases, or sentences which are ambiguous. (4) There are five 210 | Masyarakat Indonesia functions of tatangguhan, which are: the knowledge system, the mediation system, the participation system, the communication system, and the practice system. From these functions, knowledge and mediation systems are more dominant in tatangguhan. (6) Cultural values of tatangguhan revolve around social values, ethics, philosophies, religions, and aesthetics, and the values of mahalabiu in addition to being social values (especially social critics) are also having religious values. (7) The structure of tatangguhan inclines not to follow the inner structure method of the Banjar language and it has a surface structure (transformation of sentences) that has 11 forms of transformation of sentences; FN+FPrep; FN+FAdj; FN+FNum; FNum+FAdj; FV+FAdj; FAdj+FV; FV+FPrep; FAdj+FAdj; FV+FN; FPrep+FPrep; FAdj+FAdj. (8) The structure of mahalabiu tends to follow the sentence's inner structure of the Banjar language. Occasionally, to explain sentence information, mahalabiu is turned into a discourse. Cucupatian contains many cultural teachings. Hence, it is suggested that every societal member, in particular the local government and scholars need to strive in order to save cucupatian from extinction

    Cancer Stem Cells and Molecular Biology Test in Colorectal Cancer: Therapeutic Implications

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most frequent cancer in males, the second in females, and is the second leading cause of cancer related death worldwide. Within Indonesia’s 250 million population, the incidence rates for CRC per 100,000 population were 15.2 for males and 10.2 for females, and estimated 63,500 cases per year.  More than 50% of colorectal cancer patients will develop metastasis. CRC is still the main cause of tumor-related death, and although most CRC patients are treated with surgery to remove the tumor tissue, some of the CRC patients recurred. Chemotherapy used as adjuvant or neoadjuvant therapy also has several problems, in which these treatments are useless in tumor cells with chemo-resistance. Molecular testing of CRC from tumor tissues has important implications for the selection of treatment. Biomarkers can be used as prognostic value, molecular predictive factors, and targeted therapy. Recent research reported that, cancer stem cells (CSCs) are considered as the origin of tumorigenesis, development, metastasis and recurrence. At present, it has been shown that CSCs existed in many tumors including CRC. This review aims to summarize the issue on CSCs, and the future development of drugs that target colorectal cancer stem cells
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